
Sunday, May 31, 2009


holiday???what does it means????
i dont really get it lol....i'm just having another boring holiday....
and another thing is all my friend having some misunderstanding....i dont really know what shd i do to help....or....i just sit back watch them arguing each other....

1 kutukan:

Don Daughter's said...


oRg pLukaN seseOrG utK meMban2..DAn DIbAN2...

Tp sBAb eGo...n bDh sMbOng...

Dy SgP KEtEpiKan kWAn Dy 2...

Tp TGk SItUASi gaK...

biaSeNyer...aKu aKn perHtiKAN dLu...
DAn AmK KESmPAtAN yg sesWAi Utk TlG MrkA...


aKu tAK kaN aDa di sInI

TANPA diORanG SEmua...